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Colleagues at Work

¿Mi negocio califica?

Alternative lenders and Merchant Cash Advance companies will do and say almost anything to try to get you to NOT get help which is professional, knowledgeable, and connected to an experienced legal and support team.  


Predatory lenders know that if you do not get help, they can bully you into agreements which are on their terms, use the legal system to get at what they want without you being able to defend yourself, as well as manipulate you into giving them information which they can and will use the Uniform Commercial Code (UCC) to choke you into what they want.


What Predatory Lenders/MCA Companies Will Say to You

You should not work with Beacon Client Solutions.

The Truth

Once you are in default, you should always work with a team who can help you with the legal and non-legal situation you are dealing with.

Beacon Client Solutions will tell you to stop paying your loans and MCAs so you default and get put into a deep hole, face UCC actions, and get sued.

The Truth

Beacon Client Solutions does not work with clients who are in good standing.  If you are in good standing, we encourage you to fulfill your obligations.  If you are not in good standing, consider consulting our firm for free.

Beacon Client Solutions Cannot Help You - Only We Can

The Truth

Beacon Client Solutions absolutely can help small business owners who are being threatened by MCA companies to "get on a payment plan" or "skirt lawsuits."  MCA companies do not want to deal with companies like Beacon because we do not let our clients get taken advantage of. 

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Debt settlement companies will promise massive savings and negotiate up to 80% less on what you owe.

The Truth

The team at Beacon does not lie to clients by telling them we will get them un-realistic savings which are not truthful.  In most cases, creditors will never massive amounts off what you owe.  However, our firm will fight for you to reduce your balance and unreasonable fees before, during, and after litigation.

The only way to get help is to work with the MCA or collections company directly and working with Beacon will not help you.

The Truth

In most, if not all cases our clients are being sued and harassed by collections companies.  Once you are sued or the MCA company uses UCC actions to hurt you, why would you want to work with them?  When these predatory lenders go after you, you need to get help and protection.

Beacon Client Solutions will tell you to direct your funds into an Escrow Account which will actually be used to pay Beacon.

The Truth

Beacon Client Solutions does not use or require "Escrow Accounts."  Beacon Client Solutions does not take money from any type of "Escrow" account.

Debt settlement companies like Beacon will give you access to a lawyer for representation so if you default they have you covered.  

The Truth

Why would any MCA company want to tell you that the settlement company will give you an attorney?  BECAUSE THEY DO NOT WANT YOU TO GET REPRESENTATION.  Working with our firm, you will not only work  with our team and an attorney you will receive the representation that any person who hires a firm would get.

Beacon will tell you that the predatory lenders have broken laws or violated your agreements to scam you into working with them.

The Truth

Our firm reads EVERY contract and agreement which is sent to us.  At times, brokers and their MCA funders absolutely break laws or rules and we will call them out. However, this is NOT a tactic we would ever use to generate your business.  

Debt settlement companies will attempt to scare you by telling you that you are going to be sued if you do not work with them.

The Truth

Our clients are already being sued or have UCC actions which have been filed against them.

Need Help with your MCA Lawsuit? Do you have other questions?  Contact us today.
Working with someone already?  We can do better.
A simple message could save your business, your vitality, your wealth, and your assets.

Beacon Client Solutions, LLC

32 Monmouth St, STE 318

Red Bank, Nueva Jersey 07701

(P) (888) 743-7856

(L) (732) 790-8004

(F) (732) 790-8805

©2023 por Beacon Client Solutions, LLC.

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Beacon Client Solutions es una consultora empresarial con experiencia.  Beacon Client Solutions no es un bufete de abogados ni de contabilidad y no brinda asesoramiento legal ni financiero.  Debería ser señaló que nuestro equipo no solicita clientes que estén al día con los clientes y acreedores.  Beacon Client Solutions es una corporación comercial ética cuyo objetivo es evitar litigios y, si existen litigios, utilizar nuestro poder para trabajar con el Abogado para terminar los procedimientos legales de la mejor manera para el Cliente.

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