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Swearing on a Bible

What if there was an Alternative Lending Bill of Rights?

Can you imagine if there were laws or even standards that the Alternative Lenders had to follow?  Things like better underwriting and risk assessment, terms, lower rates... 

In this article we identify several different ideas which would protect both alternative lenders and small business owners.

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Un equipo de solucionadores de problemas que se preocupan

Consultores de Negocios Organizacionales

Beacon Client Solutions es una consultoría para pequeñas empresas.  Nos especializamos en soporte de recuperación corporativa, específicamente en diseño organizacional, administración, liderazgo y finanzas.  Nuestro equipo de asesores y especialistas conocerán los problemas y barreras que tienen los pequeños empresarios y personalice las soluciones para satisfacer esas necesidades.  Ofrecemos a los propietarios de pequeñas empresas un enfoque único que aborda cuestiones organizativas estratégicas desde el establecimiento de objetivos hasta la consolidación de deudas, la gestión y las iniciativas de liquidación. 

Socios Legales y Profesionales

En muchos casos, nuestros clientes necesitan servicios que requieren profesionales como Abogados.  Con el tiempo, hemos construido un equipo de profesionales, incluido un extenso equipo legal que ayuda a los clientes._cc781905-5cde-3194- bb3b-136bad5cf58d_


A Beacon for You
and Your Business

The team at Beacon will meet you, learn about your business, and customize a plan that addresses your company's issues with operations, goals, strategy, or debt.  We are well-respected by Attorneys and creditors because of our track record of ethical performance and success. 


Other companies boast having an "Attorney Network" of "500+ Local Attorneys" and "unique negotiation strategies."  Ask them what those strategies are?  Ask them how having 500+ local attorneys will allow an attorney to build a relationship with a firm that helps its clients with litigation and beyond?  To those companies, you are just a number and they just want your money. 


We are smarter, affordable, and we will provide a level of support which is way beyond our competition - We Guarantee It.

Outstanding Client Support

Customized Approach to Solve Your Problems

Results Driven

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