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Thomas Tramaglini
6 min read
The Data Never Lie: The MCA Lawsuit Landscape Unpacked.
This article describes the MCA industry, its attorneys, collections company, etc.

Thomas Tramaglini
9 min read
UCC liens and your Merchant Cash Advance(s): What to know and what to do.
This article discusses UCC liens and the implications on small business owners, as well as what to do when facing a UCC action.

Thomas Tramaglini
7 min read
The important questions about MCA lawsuits, UCC, and judgments answered.
This article provides answers to common questions our team gets every day about MCA situations.

Thomas Tramaglini
7 min read
What's in The Merchant Cash Advance (MCA) Company's Playbook For Those Who Don't Pay?
What are things that small business owners should expect to see (what we call the MCA playbook) when dealing with MCA defaults.

Thomas Tramaglini
10 min read
10 Scams that Some Shady MCA Settlement Companies Use.
This article highlights some of the scams that MCA settlement companies use to con small business owners.

Thomas Tramaglini
2 min read
See the list: Lawsuits by Predatory MCA Companies from January to June 2023.
This article is the complete list for how many lawsuits have been filed in New York from January through June 2023.

Thomas Tramaglini
5 min read
The Predatory MCA Landscape Report: Lawsuits doubled from January to June 2023.
It light of our data collection, we regularly inform business owners of some trends in the industry, as well as our Top 10 MCA Predators.

Thomas Tramaglini
3 min read
Never ever again. SBA IG releases scathing report on disaster relief funding (EIDL|PPP).
This article outlines what the SBA found, how the SBA did and is still looking for fraud (indicators), and what the SBA and other government

Thomas Tramaglini
6 min read
Why you want to avoid an MCA Judgement
In this article we lay out several meaningful reasons for why someone does not want a judgement and what small business owners can do to com

Thomas Tramaglini
6 min read
Things Merchant Cash Advance Predators include in their agreements which business owners should know
This article highlights some of those things which MCA companies list in their agreements which small business owners should consider.

Thomas Tramaglini
8 min read
What MCA companies can do to you and your small business?
In this article, we explore the legality of such actions and what extent MCA companies may go to in their collection efforts.

Thomas Tramaglini
4 min read
Updated: Who are the most litigious MCA Predators?
This report provides an over of who the MCA companies are who are most likely to sue small business owners who take Merchant Cash Advances.

Thomas Tramaglini
7 min read
7 common scams that MCA brokers use that hurt small businesses
This article reports on several common things which brokers do that cause adverse actions to the small business owner.

Thomas Tramaglini
10 min read
Bad: MCA brokers lead to lawsuits and UCC freezes.
This article sheds light on some of the things that MCA brokers do which are harmful to businesses and small business owners.

Thomas Tramaglini
4 min read
What is an MCA Judgement?
This article outlines what a judgment is and how MCA companies use judgements to collect their funds.

Thomas Tramaglini
9 min read
I am being sued by a Merchant Cash Advance Company: What to Expect and what to Do.
This article identifies many things that happen and what to do when a small business owner is sued by a Merchant Cash Advance company.

Thomas Tramaglini
4 min read
Is It Too Late? Learn (For Free) If An MCA Company Has Filed A UCC Lien Against You.
Use our FREE Do It Yourself Tool (link at the bottom of this article) to see if they have had a UCC filed.

Thomas Tramaglini
7 min read
8 Ways (Other) MCA Debt Settlement Companies Scam Small Business Owners.
This article provides some of the ways that other debt settlement companies scam small business owners.

Thomas Tramaglini
4 min read
The Ugly "Art" of MCA Stacking
This article explores several issues around the “art” of stacking.

Thomas Tramaglini
6 min read
7 Things MCA Brokers (Predators) DO NOT Want You To Know and What to Do About It.
This article provides an overview of many of the tricks that MCA Brokers use to take advantage of small business owners.

Thomas Tramaglini
5 min read
The Complete Guide to MCA: Unpacking the Merchant Cash Advance
The purpose of this article is to share vital information about what Merchant Cash Advances.

Thomas Tramaglini
3 min read
The Top 10 MCA Companies Most Likely to Sue You
Using the New York State Court System Database (NYSCEF), we identify who the most litigious MCA companies are, ranking them accordingly.

Thomas Tramaglini
6 min read
The Complete Guide to MCA: UCC filings.
The Uniform Commercial Code (UCC) is a group of laws that relate to commercial transactions that are accepted by all states in the United...

Thomas Tramaglini
3 min read
The Complete Guide to MCA: What is a UCC Lien?
The Uniform Commercial Code (UCC) is a group of laws that relate to commercial transactions that are accepted by all states.
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