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Thomas Tramaglini
5 min read
Answering an MCA or Alternative Loan Company Lawsuit is Important.
This article describes the importance of answering MCA lawsuits and provides some implications if not answered.

Thomas Tramaglini
4 min read
Recent court decisions demonstrate a willingness to hold MCA, alternative lenders, and their brokers accountable.
This article highlights several recent occurrences which have suggested to the industry, if you take advantage of small business owners, you

Thomas Tramaglini
3 min read
Kabbage Inc. settles massive PPP case
Earlier this week, the US Department of Justice announced they had reached a settlement in their lawsuit against defunct Kabbage Inc.

Thomas Tramaglini
3 min read
AKF, Inc (Fundkite) Sues Another Broker For Stacking on Them.
Most recently, they have sued Seed Financial for their alleged predatory broker actions.

Thomas Tramaglini
2 min read
FirstPoint Funding LLC settles with AKF, Inc (Fundkite) for $50,000 because broker stacked small business owners at their expense.
To avoid a trial and drawn out process, FirstPoint Funding and AKF "amicably" resolve the case for $50,000.

Thomas Tramaglini
7 min read
The Baloney (Bull***t) Playbook: 7 Ways Predatory Brokers Lure Vulnerable Small Business Owners into Cash Advances and Eventually Default.
This article shares common tactics that brokers use, their implication, and some things we are doing to fight back.

Thomas Tramaglini
5 min read
Merchant Cash Advance Predators (Brokers): How much do they make from the bad loans/advances they lure the small business owners into?
In this article we discuss how brokers operate to make the most amount of money off each advance.

Thomas Tramaglini
7 min read
Playing with Fire: Reverse Consolidations Unpacked. What is a Reverse Consolidation?
This article explores what a reverse consolidation is and is the first part of a series of articles which explains what Reverses are, are no

Thomas Tramaglini
3 min read
US Department of Justice charges two "funders" with mail fraud.
US Department of Justice charges two "funders" with mail fraud.

Thomas Tramaglini
2 min read
Fora Financial Sues Broker 4 Pillar Consulting for Stacking - Seeking $500K in relief.
Fora sues broker (4 Pillar Consulting) for $500K for allegedly stacking clients who defaulted on Fora's funding.

Thomas Tramaglini
3 min read
New York AG Sues Delta Bridge, Yellowstone Capital, and a host of other entities and individuals. Is your MCA/Alternative Loan listed in their evidence? Find it here.
This article outlines several parts of the AG's lawsuit and datasets entered into the evidence.

Thomas Tramaglini
6 min read
Was your MCA company (predator) one of the ones who were sued by the New York Attorney General for issuing fraudulent loans with exorbitant rates?
The team at Beacon has broken down the lawsuit and shared some of the implications.

Thomas Tramaglini
6 min read
Last Chance Funding (LCF Group) Has a Banner Year (2023) earning the Merchant Cash Advance Industry's Most Litigious Company.
This report identifies and in some cases expose things which are going on in the MCA industry

Thomas Tramaglini
2 min read
AKF, Inc (Fundkite) seeks damages for broker who stacked small business owners at their expense.
AKF, Inc (Fundkite) seeks damages for broker who stacked small business owners at their expense.

Thomas Tramaglini
6 min read
US District Attorney adds additional RICO indictment to PAR funding for their shenanigans in Merchant Cash Advance.
A second superseding indictment was filed yesterday charging a violation of the Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt Organizations Act (RICO) by

Thomas Tramaglini
6 min read
Stacked. The unintended consequences of taking more than one MCA/loan at the same time and what you can do.
This article covers the outcomes when brokers stack small business owners.
Implications and what to do are included.

Thomas Tramaglini
7 min read
Considering or working with a business loan or advance debt settlement company? Be careful.
This article discusses some of the tactics these companies use, as well as what legitimate debt consultancies do differently.

Thomas Tramaglini
6 min read
5 things that small business owners make mistakes on with MCA lawsuits and what to do.
In this article, we provide 5 common mistakes that small business owners make when they are sued by MCA and loan companies.

Thomas Tramaglini
5 min read
The ABCs of UCCs.
When a small business owner has a hard time paying a Merchant Cash Advance (MCA), the MCA provider will use a host of different tactics to r

Thomas Tramaglini
5 min read
Growing your business and taking it to another level? The Big Lie MCA companies sell you.
In this article we explore this topic and discuss the implications of attempting to take funds via MCA to “grow” your business.

Thomas Tramaglini
6 min read
10 Frequently Asked Questions Small Business Owners Ask About MCA Lawsuits Like Yours.
This article outlines several frequently asked questions which small business owners ask regarding MCA lawsuits

Thomas Tramaglini
6 min read
Combatting the Predatory MCA Brokers Part II: Ways to combat MCA Brokers who cause you to default.
In this article (Part II), we discuss several ways in which small business owners can fight back against MCA brokers.

Thomas Tramaglini
7 min read
Combatting the Predatory MCA Brokers Part I: 5 common ways that these rodents screw you.
This 2 part article provides insight on the lies that brokers use to sell MCA and combat the damage that these brokers cause.

Thomas Tramaglini
6 min read
Are you about to be put into UCC submission hold?
This article highlights how MCA companies will resort to the draconian methods of UCC to force small businesses into submission.
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