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We Are A Team of Problem Solvers
Who Care About Our Clients
Organization and Business Consultants
Beacon Client Solutions is a Small Business Consultancy that specializes corporate turnaround support. Specific to organizational design, management, leadership, and finance, we have a team of trained advisors and specialists who will learn about the issues and barriers that you face. We will develop a customized solution that meets those needs.
Our Data-Driven Solutions Make Our Firm Unique
The team at Beacon Client Solutions has built a unique, one of a kind think tank which focuses on keeping ahead of the Merchant Cash Advance industry. We collect data nationally on MCA companies, their collections companies, as well as their attorneys. Our team seeks to understand the MCA industries behaviors, tendencies, and performance to develops strategies for our clients. The data and analytics we have built are second to none and the most informative across the industry.
Legal and Professional Support
In many cases, our clients need services which require professionals such as Attorneys. Over time, we have assembled a team of professionals that includes an on-staff extensive legal team who we work with to not only support our clients, but change the way that MCA companies treat small businesses.

A Beacon for You
and Your Business
The team at Beacon will meet you, learn about your business, and customize a plan that addresses your company's issues with operations, goals, strategy, or debt. We are well-respected by Attorneys and creditors because of our track record of ethical performance and success.
Other companies boast having an "Attorney Network" of "500+ Local Attorneys" and "unique negotiation strategies." Ask them what those strategies are? Ask them how having 500+ local attorneys will allow an attorney to build a relationship with a firm that helps its clients with litigation and beyond? To those companies, you are just a number and they just want your money.
We are smarter, affordable, and we will provide a level of support which is way beyond our competition - We Guarantee It.
Outstanding Client Support
Customized Approach to Solve Your Problems
Results Driven